Include Dates with MultiDevs/ Longer Name/ Notes Section [FEAT -849]

:boom: Please Note: I am not the original requestor. This feature request was submitted by another community member in our former (now depreciated) community forum.

Right now, 11 characters names are too short. Including a created date would help us know when things are made. A description section we could put notes into as well.

If you would like to see this product/feature request happen please consider upvoting!

we use multidev feature a lot and I think it would be great to have a description field and a date created but the longer name is not required and seems like it might a difficult feature if the multidev name is the same as the git branch. :+1:

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Thanks for the feedback! I think this is a great idea & something I am certainly going to run by the team! Will let you know what I hear :slight_smile: Keep the feedback coming!